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Prayer for obtaining favors through the intercession of the
Servant of God, Father Anselm Gądek, OCD,
and for his beatification

O God, who enabled Father Anselm to become a model of evangelical perfection and to spread the doctrine of the Divine Childhood of Your Son, hear the prayer I confidently offer, so that by his intercession I may obtain the grace of (here mention your request) for which I fervently ask, so that in a spirit of profound gratitude, I may give praise for Your mercy.

O Divine Infant Jesus, grant that Father Anselm, who proclaimed the truth of Your childhood and loved You with his whole life, be raised to the glory of the altars, bring about a deepening of our faith, and lead us all to holiness and salvation. Who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

Imprimatur: Archbishop Władysław Ziółek
Łódź Jan. 10, 2002 61/2002

We kindly ask that information concerning favors received through the intercession of the Servant of God Father Anselm Gądek
be sent the following address:

Postulacja Sł. Bożego O. Anzelma Gądka
ul. Złocieniowa 38
91-358 Łódź, POLAND

Tel. 42 659-24-97; 728 302 374